Saat ini dua pengurus Perpustakaan Cerah Desa Wonopringgo sedang mengikuti “Bimtek Pengelola Perpustakaan Desa Tingkat Provinsi” yang diadakan oleh Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Bimtek (Bimbingan Teknik) tersebut dilaksanakan di Hotel Santika, Kota Semarang. Acara tersebut dimulai sejak Senin, 16 Oktober 2017 dan berakhir pada Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017. Kegiatan tersebut bersifat wajib bagi perpustakaan yang akan menerima bantuan dari Perpustakaan Provinsi Jawa Tengah.
Currently two administrators of “Cerah” Library of Wonopringgo Village are following the “Technical Guidance of Library Management on Provincial Level” held by the Office of Archives and Library of Central Java Province. Technical Guidance is held in Santika Hotel’s, at Semarang City. The event started on Monday, October 16, 2017 and ended on Wednesday, October 18, 2017. The activity is mandatory for libraries that will receive donation from the Central Java Provincial Library.
For this event, at this time administrator of “Cerah” Library of Wonopringgo Village are represented by two of best youngsters, namely Ibnu Ziyad as the Head of Library and Intan Kusuma Dewi as Daily Executor of “Cerah” Library of Wonopringgo Village. Please note, “Cerah” Library of Wonopringgo Village for this year, will get help from the Central Java Provincial Library. This event is mandatory for the village library that will receive some help. The form of assistance in question is donation of several books and bookshelves, amounting to 2 pieces. Therefore, “Cerah” Library of Wonopringgo Village sent two representatives to attend this event. Because if it does not send a representative to follow this technical guidance, existing donations will bestow to other libraries.
Acara ini memiliki beberapa tujuan, diantaraya untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia di bidang perpustakaan, membekali ilmu pengetahuan tentang perpustakaan kepada pengelola dan memeberikan motivasi kepada pengelola untuk mengembangkan perpustakaan. Hal tersebut sangat sejalan dengan materi yang akan disampaikan. Diantaranya adalah administrasi perpustakaan, klasifikasi dan praktek, katalogisasai dan praktek, Aplikasi teknologi informasi perpustakaan, Perawatan bahan perpustakaan serta layanan dan promosi perpustakaan. Nyatanya, materi yang disusun adalah hal-hal yang sangat diperlukan untuk mengelola dan mengembangkan perpustakaan. Dengan mengirimkan wakilnya untuk mengikuti bimtek tersebut, akan ada hal positif yang akan ditularkan oleh suadara Ziyad dan Intan kepada pengurus perpustakaan ataupun warga lainnya. Harapannya, akan ada peningkatan pelayanan serta kualitas dari Perpustakaan Cerah Desa Wonopringgo, sehingga dapat lebih bermanfaat dan dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat luas, khususnya warga Desa Wonopringgo itu sendiri.
This event has several goals, among them are to improve the quality of human resources of libraries sector, equip knowledge of library’s administrator and give motivation to develop the library. This is very appropriate with the material to be delivered. Among them are library administration, classification and practice, catalogisasi and practice, Application information technology of library, Maintenance of library materials as well as library services and promotion. In a fact, the materials given are the things that are needed to manage and develop the library. By sending representative to follow this event, there will be a positive thing that will be transmitted by Ziyad and Intan to other libraries administrator or other society. Hopefully, there will be improvement of service and quality of “Cerah” Library of Wonopringgo Village, so it can be more useful and exploited by the wider society, especially Wonopringgo villagers.